Wednesday 2 April 2008

It's 5.15am.....

and I am unable to sleep!!! I got cut with a stanley knife at work and had to have a Tetanus jab. My arm is killinge me and I've been up for nearly an hour now! Pain killers are not working so it's just tea and cigs for now!!
Not been feeling too bad these past few days. Had a few moments of panic/anxiety but on the whole....been ok. I just wish that at the slightest feeling of unease in my stomach I wasn't reaching for the Stemetil.
Ian and I are heading off to the Lakes this weekend and I'm really looking forward to it. A few months ago it would have freaked me out but now, I feel ok with it. Am not looking forward to our flight in June though. I know it's only 4 hours on the plane but I feel so nervous(shitting it actually!!!).
Ethan's birthday party was great. I cannot believe he is 2 already!! He got lots of lovely toys and loved his Thomas The Tank Engine birthday cake!!!
Thats it for now....I'm off for another cig!!!!
