Thursday 20 March 2008

So tired.....

Thursday 20th March 2008

After a manic morning at work I came home and went to bed. I started watching CSI and dozed off. I also decided to cancel my Hypnosis appointment. I just didn 't feel up to it last night.

I've stuffed my face with a huge dinner tonight, and now feel bloated, so my anxiety state is high right now. I'm just so fed up with bloody phobia. I'm also starting to get nervous about the flights that we have booked. They're not till June but I just know it's gonna come round so quick. The flight is only gonna be 3 1/2 hours but I hate it. Maybe I can drug myself up...(any tips would be great!)

I'm jealous that Ian has a 4 day weekend. I have to work tomorrow (Good Friday) and bank holiday crap is that!!! I'm looking forward to Ethans birthday party next weekend tho. My mum is also coming up for the weekend so it will be great to see her. As much as I love her, she does tend to do my head in after a few days!!! I guess all mums do that tho!


1 comment:

Sarah♥ said...

I will add your blog to my RSS feeder.
Its really good to see an emetophobic who has recovered from being agoraphobia. That is what started all my shit off back in 1998. I was pregnant, fainted, came round convinced i was going to puke in front of my work collegues. From that moment i was sure every time i left the house, i would throw up. Sadly, that thought is still with me, although there are a gazillion other fears on top of that one now as well. Oh the joys of mental health issues!